Nachhaltige Yoga Ausstattung für dein Yoga Studio
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Advantages of sustainable yoga equipment for your yoga studio

We are increasingly seeing how important it is for yoga studios to embody the values ​​of environmental friendliness and social responsibility in their concept. Sustainability and a conscious life ...
Mann und Frau machen Yoga

Which modern yoga style suits me? – 5 popular options at a glance

Yoga is a versatile practice that is constantly evolving and finding new ways to connect body and mind in numerous modern styles. Whether dynamic, meditative or spiritual - modern yoga styles offer...
Warum gutes Yoga Equipment aus therapeutischer Sicht so wichtig ist - von Lena Braun
all about yoga

Why good yoga equipment is so important from a therapeutic point of view - by Lena Braun

We have another guest article from Lena Braun for you. Lena has worked a lot with hejhej in the past and we are very impressed by her therapeutic and anatomical perspective. Lena is a physiotherapi...
Bücher auf Matte mit Bolster
all about yoga

Yoga & Reading: 5 inspiring books for your cozy time out

Sometimes there are days when we just want to breathe deeply and enjoy the moment. We love doing a relaxed Yin Yoga session - with our hejhej bolster as a companion. The bolster not only supports y...
Yoga und Tanzen - Ein Erfahrungsbericht von Alexandra mit ihrer hejhej-mat
all about yoga

Yoga and dancing - a report from Alexandra

Today Alexandra tells us why and how yoga helps her dance practice. You get an authentic experience from a customer who received her hejhej-mat as a gift. Yoga practice can have so many benefits fo...
Mann macht den herabschauenden Hund

Which yoga style suits me? – Your guide to 4 traditional yoga styles

Yoga is more than physical exercise - it is a practice that connects body, mind and soul. But with so many different yoga styles out there, it can be difficult to find the right one for you. Maybe ...
Ben macht Yoga vor Bergen
all about yoga

"Blindness is seeing with your imagination" – What yoga and surfing have in common for Ben Neumann

In the world of surfing, there are few stories that are as inspiring to us as that of Ben Neumann. As a young boy, Ben lost his sight due to a genetic defect, but instead of being discouraged by t...
Yoga Therapie und Mentale Gesundheit
all about yoga

Yoga therapy for mental health - guest article by Lena Braun

Lena Braun has written a guest article for us about mental health and how yoga therapy can help. We have been working with Lena for a long time. Among other things, she has also written an interest...
Sol bestickt ein hejhej-pillow
all about yoga

The Art of Slowing down – with our limited sol x hejhej-pillow

In our fast-paced world, the need to slow down and enjoy the moment is becoming ever greater. At hejhej, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do – from all our products to our goal of pr...
Achtsamkeit und Nachhaltigkeit Gemeinsamkeiten
mindful life

How mindfulness and sustainability are related

Mindfulness and sustainability are two concepts that may seem different at first glance, but upon closer inspection they have a deep, symbiotic relationship. Both focus on awareness of our actions ...
Yoga und Klettern von Alberto
all about yoga

The connection between yoga and climbing - guest article by Alberto

We are very proud to show you Alberto Milani 's great article today. He describes the connection between yoga and climbing in a very special way. Even if you have never been climbing before, you wi...
Die hejhej-mat Yogamatte hat ein Patent und wir feiern mit euch

NEWS - A patent for the hejhej-mat

We are more than thrilled, happy and proud to be able to tell you that our hejhej-mat has been patented. The path to patenting took almost 6 years. At some point we no longer believed that we would...
Nachhaltige Yoga Ausbildungen mit nachhaltigem Yoga Equipment
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Sustainable yoga teacher trainings on hejhej-mats

Due to many questions and also our own research for sustainable yoga teacher trainings we have put together a list for you with yoga trainings from our hejhej-partner studios. This curated selectio...
Familien Yogamatte und Rudergerät Unterlage
all about yoga

Special Edition: hejhej-mat XXL as family yoga mat and rowing machine mat

Imagine finally having enough space to enjoy your yoga practice without restrictions. Your yoga mat is not only sustainable, but also extra long and offers you and your family the comfort you deser...
Ayurveda in der Schwangerschaft
all about yoga

Ayurveda during your pregnancy

The empirical science of Ayurveda can support you during pregnancy. Below we have received a few practical tips from Nina Kamran, who supports her pregnancy with Ayurveda and yoga. In another journ...
Abendroutine und Ausgeglichen Sein mit Ernährung und Yoga
all about yoga

Discover the evening routine from María Eskitxabel

María has filmed videos for our new category on YouTube: hejhej-friends. This is where we introduce inspiring people. To give you the chance to get to know María better, we have prepared an intervi...
Yogamatten Spende für Trauma Seminare in München
social sustainability

Buy one donate one Vol. 4

Even though the war in Ukraine is no longer a daily topic in the media, refugees are still arriving here. We are very happy to have received an enquiry from the social counselling service at the fi...
Eine Frau schaut mit Zuversicht in die Zukunft - Wirkungsbericht von hejhej 2023
circular economy

Impact Report Nr. 4 - your impact 2023

For the past year 2023, we have once again summarised all our impact for you as transparently as possible. The impact on this world that we make together WITH YOU. Our hejhej-community is a very la...
Jana erzählt dir über Yoga und Sound
all about yoga

Yoga and sound - guest article with Jana

From the first moment Jana captivated us with her sound meditation, hosting our ceremony for the Yoga Days, it was simply magical. That's why today, we want to delve into a conversation with Jana, ...
Yoga im Wochenbett - Gastartikel von Vanessa Simon
all about yoga

Yoga in the postpartum time - guest article by Vanessa Simon

Today we have a special type of yoga practice, namely the one in the postpartum period for you as a new mother after a birth. We are very grateful to partner with Vanessa , yoga teacher and doula, ...
Die Natürliche Wohltat: Nachhaltiges und regionales Traubenkernkissen
all about yoga

The natural treat: sustainable and regional grape seed pillow

The hejhej-eyepillow eye pillow is filled with regional grape seeds. Here we tell you another application of the social pillow and why you should definitely try warming up or cooling down. The natu...