Surfen und Yoga
all about yoga

Surfing and Yoga

Yoga often doesn’t just stand alone, but is a super balancing programme for many sports. Zoé tells us today why surfing and yoga go so well together for her and even has a few yoga exercises to su...
hejhej-mat in eher hell und dunkle stehen nebeneinander
circular economy

Buy One, Donate One Vol. 3 – Social sustainability at hejhej through mat donations for good causes

Our third buy one donate one starts today. Three great projects in Germany are now waiting for our hejhej-mat mat donation. During the next days, we are going to donate 25 hejhej-mats. H...
Yogalehrerin Nina sitzt auf dem hejhej-Kissen mit einer Klangschale.
all about yoga

What is Tantric Hatha Yoga? An Interview with Nina Kamran

Again and again, we are inspired by the content and topics of yoga teacher Nina Kamran. Thereby, we came across Tantric Hatha Yoga and were directly quite curious about what is behind it. How is i...
Eine Auswahl der besten Yoga Unterkünfte
mindful life

The best yoga accommodations

We would like to provide you with a collection of the best yoga accommodations. All these selected cottages are equipped with hejhej-mats or further hejhej equipment. So nothing stands in the way ...
Yoga für Menschen mit Einschränkungen Fotoshooting mit Nico
all about yoga

Yoga with limitations – is that possible?

Today we introduce you to all the great and inspiring people we have already worked with. Whether photoshooting, shooting videos or writing journal articles together. We are very proud and super h...
Dreieck oder Trikonasana von einem Mann mit einem Yoga Block - hast du noch Vorurteile über Yoga Zubehör?
yoga prop guide

Prejudices about yoga accessories

Today, we are talking about the prejudices about yoga accessories. Maybe you are also one of those people who start with yoga, go to studios but don’t reach for the yoga props. “No block today, I’...
Der hejhej-strap wird an der Schnalle gerade geöffnet und im Hintergrund ist die helle hejhej-mat zu sehen
all about yoga

Exercises with strap and meditation pillow

According to the yoga philosophy, every asana, i.e. physical exercise you are in, should be as comfortable and cosy as possible. You should be able to breathe in peace and relax all the muscles th...
Klicke hier um Inspirationen über das Element Wasser zu bekommen
ecological sustainability

A week with the element of water

Last week we took you on a very special week on Instagram: a theme week about the element of water. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM for short), water is associated with winter. During th...
Ein Halbmond lässt dich über das letzte Jahr nachdenken
circular economy

Impact Report No. 3 – Joyful but tough year 2022

Writing the impact report for the year 2022 is particularly difficult for us. The current time holds many challenges and yet many joyful things have happened again at hejhej. In the following, we ...
Eine Yogalehrerin auf der hejhej-mat
all about yoga

Grounding – How yoga teacher Dom grounds herself

Yoga teacher Dominika Koprdova lives in Copenhagen and knows the need to find grounding in the hustle and bustle of urban life – today she shares her very own grounding tips with you. We hope her ...
supported shoulderstand with the back on the hejhej-bolster and the hands over the head
all about yoga

Patanjali’s eight-limbed path – A spiritual path to freedom?

We love exploring the yogic world with you. Today we would like to describe Patanjali’s path to you because we always find an incredible amount of applicable truths in ancient yogic scriptures, wh...
Ein Mann liegt auf dem Meditationskissen und dem Bolster mit dem Kopf
all about yoga

Blind Yoga – A chat with Johann Mühlbauer

We are very happy to tell you a little bit more about Blind Yoga here. We met Johann Mühlbauer in Nuremberg and are very inspired by his zest for life, motivation and everyday life. Together we ha...
Brooklyn is a yoga teacher from Berlin and she relaxes on the hejhej bolster
all about yoga

Your weekly yoga plan from hejhej on Youtube

With just 10-30 minutes a day, you can already feel calmer and more mobilized. Try it out for yourself with these selected yoga sessions in German and English. In the summer of 2022, we launched t...
Eine Frau in einer kleinen Cabin am Yoga machen
ecological sustainability

Travel yoga

All of us in the hejhej-team love to travel. Yoga while travelling is just as much a part of it as delicious vegan food. For us, travelling means discovering new places, breaking out of our own co...
Ein Artikel gewidmet an Regina
entrepreneurial journey

Journal Article dedicated to Regina and to all other people with a chemo look

We want to dedicate this feed post to Regina, a young and beautiful women we were allowed to meet a few weeks ago. We met Regina through our wonderful photographer Maria Bayer. When scrolling...
eine Frau trägt den Yoga Bolster - er kann ein super nachhaltiges Weihnachtsgeschenk für Yoga sein
ecological sustainability

Sustainable Christmas gifts for yoga – conscious giving

There are great sustainable Christmas gifts in general but you might want to give something appropriate to a Yogi:ni this year. Basically, it is very important to consider what your loved one can ...
Wie Wildkräuter deine Meditation ganzheitlich unterstützen
mindful life

How wild herbs holistically support your meditation

Rediscovering old traditions. Presenting knowledge in a modern way. We are very enthusiastic about putting a modern spin on old traditions and wisdom, making them tangible and aesthetic for today....
Notes from the team - Inspiration und feel-good Rituale
entrepreneurial journey

Notes from the team – Inspiration and feel-good rituals

Hej! We are the women and voices behind hejhej. Notes from the team are an intimate glimpse into our hearts and minds. Meet us – The people who founded and are building the first circula...
Detailaufnahme der Spelze im hejhe- Bolster
circular economy

Why yoga pillow refills are sustainable

The durability of hejhej products is an essential criterion for us in product development. High-quality materials that are carefully processed lead to the longevity of a product. The lon...
Book about herbs and the hejhej spray
all about yoga

Yoga and Sustainability – You and the Niyamas

As you know, we like to look at yoga from a sustainable perspective and vice versa. After we have already dealt with the first five principles of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and interpreted the Ya...
Erfahre in diesem Artikel mehr über Yoga für Menschen mit Behinderung.
all about yoga

Yoga for people with disabilities – guest article by Lena Braun

We are very proud to give you such a valuable article about yoga for people with disabilities by Lena Braun to read. It is about much more than people with disabilities, it is also about...