Again and again, we are inspired by the content and topics of yoga teacher Nina Kamran. Thereby, we came across Tantric Hatha Yoga and were directly quite curious about what is behind it. How is it different from regular Hatha Yoga? Nina explained it to us and that’s what we want to share with you today. Why don’t you get cozy on your hejhej-pillow, like Nina, and think of reading this interview as cozy me-time? We love exploring the yogic world with you. We hope you enjoy reading this!
hejhej: What is Tantric Hatha Yoga?
Nina: Tantric Hatha Yoga is a very traditional way of practising yoga. Here we focus mainly on the energetic effects of our practice. Each class leads us into a meditative state, starting with asanas, followed by pranayama and ending with a meditation kriya. We use different energetic systems such as bandhas, prana vayus, chakras, granthis, mantra, etc. to direct our energy in the desired direction according to the intention of our practice.

hejhej: How did you find this yoga style?
Nina: Like most people in the “western world”, I started yoga to relax, calm down and move my body consciously. After a few years, I discovered that there was much more to yoga and experienced the transformative power of hatha yoga, meditation and yoga nidra. In the meantime, I have also become a Reiki practitioner. During a stay in Bali in 2019, at a very difficult time in my life, I discovered Tantric Hatha Yoga. I was thrilled and truly inspired by the combination of yoga and energy work, this is where the magic happened:)
hejhej: What do you appreciate most about this style of yoga?
Nina: Tantric Hatha Yoga has immense power on our energy and nervous system. There are practices for every situation of life, whether it’s for grounding and releasing, fueling up with energy, or evolving in a spiritual way. It’s a very “down to earth” and strategic path to work with energy, this is what I love about it.
Thank you so much for your words and your work, dear Nina.
If you are interested in Tantric Hatha Yoga, follow Nina on Instagram.
Her Website: