Warum gutes Yoga Equipment aus therapeutischer Sicht so wichtig ist - von Lena Braun
all about yoga

Why good yoga equipment is so important from a therapeutic point of view - by Lena Braun

We have another guest article from Lena Braun for you. Lena has worked a lot with hejhej in the past and we are very impressed by her therapeutic and anatomical perspective. Lena is a physiotherapi...
Yoga im Winter und Herbst mit der Vata Zeit und dem hejhej Equipment
all about yoga

Yoga in autumn and winter

We have a brief article by Nina Kamran for you on the current season. Here you can find out how your yoga routine can support you in the autumn and winter seasons, the Vata time in Ayurveda. Why a...
closed-loop Meditationskissen wird in die Luft gehalten
all about yoga

The sustainable & right meditation pillow – 6 asanas with the hejhej-pillow

Finally, your real meditation pillow from hejhej. After the hejhej-bolster is very popular, but still many have wished for our closed-loop cushion also in a round, classic meditation pil...
Drei Augenkissen liegen nebeneinander
all about yoga

The hejhej-eyepillow – a sustainable eye pillow in cooperation with Nyuzi Blackwhite

Savasana is certainly a Sanskrit word that most often gets stuck during a yoga session. The lying asana at the end of a yoga practice. Here you can relax completely. Do you also love it when it’s ...
Katonah Yoga Klasse in Berlin
all about yoga

Katonah Yoga – an introduction

The first time we became aware of Katonah Yoga was through our hejhej partner studio Original Feelings in Berlin. We all found the practice very special because it is clearly different from other ...
Dehnungen mit Yoga Block
yoga prop guide

Yoga block strechtes – the sustainable hejhej-block

For us, the yoga block has become an all-around tool for our yoga practice. It can easily be used in so many asanas. A tool with many applications is a sustainable one for us because it’s versatil...
Yoga für die Handgelenke
all about yoga

Yoga for the wrists

Maybe you just clicked on this article because you know the feeling that after a few sun salutations, your wrists are crying out for relief?! Maybe you landed on this article because you want to b...
Dreieck oder Trikonasana von einem Mann mit einem Yoga Block - hast du noch Vorurteile über Yoga Zubehör?
yoga prop guide

Prejudices about yoga accessories

Today, we are talking about the prejudices about yoga accessories. Maybe you are also one of those people who start with yoga, go to studios but don’t reach for the yoga props. “No block today, I’...
Der hejhej-strap wird an der Schnalle gerade geöffnet und im Hintergrund ist die helle hejhej-mat zu sehen
all about yoga

Exercises with strap and meditation pillow

According to the yoga philosophy, every asana, i.e. physical exercise you are in, should be as comfortable and cosy as possible. You should be able to breathe in peace and relax all the muscles th...
Brooklyn is a yoga teacher from Berlin and she relaxes on the hejhej bolster
all about yoga

Your weekly yoga plan from hejhej on Youtube

With just 10-30 minutes a day, you can already feel calmer and more mobilized. Try it out for yourself with these selected yoga sessions in German and English. In the summer of 2022, we launched t...
Detailaufnahme der Spelze im hejhe- Bolster
circular economy

Why yoga pillow refills are sustainable

The durability of hejhej products is an essential criterion for us in product development. High-quality materials that are carefully processed lead to the longevity of a product. The lon...
Recycling Aufruf hejhej-mats
circular economy

Recycling Round No. 1

Recycle your hejhej-mat – 1st recycling round after approx. 4 years Most of the existing yoga mats are not recyclable, so basically, all of them will end up as waste. That’s just crazy! The good n...
Elin liegt mit dem Kopf auf dem hejhej-bolster
all about yoga

Why you should use your Yoga Bolster for more than just your yoga practice – Yoga Bolster Usage

You have probably already noticed from our last articles how many different applications hejhej products have. Read here the most beautiful 7 usages with the hejhej-eyepillow. We have also wr...
mindful life

7 uses of the Yoga Spray – the sustainable hejhej-spray

By the end of 2021, the sustainable hejhej-spray is finally in our online shop. This article is about possible uses of a yoga spray and how it can accompany you in your yoga pr...
Transparente Infos über das neue hejhej nachhaltige Yoga Spray
all about yoga

hejhej-spray – the sustainable yoga spray for your yoga practice

Many of you have asked us how you can best clean the hejhej yoga mat in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Most yoga mat sprays on the market are not without ingredients fro...
Das nachhaltige Augenkissen liegt auf dem Gesicht einer Person die in Savasana liegt
all about yoga

The most beautiful 7 eye pillow usages with the hejhej-eyepillow

An eye pillow is perhaps a piece of yoga equipment you haven’t heard of yet. Due to the pandemic, you may not have been to a yoga studio in the last few years, or you may not h...
Balanceübung auf dem hejhej Yogablock
all about yoga

Yoga block exercises with the sustainable hejhej-block

The yoga block is probably the most widespread tool in the yoga world. At the beginning of your yoga journey, the block can support you to be well aligned in certain exercises and help you to slow...
Eine Frau liegt lachend mit dem Rücken auf dem hejhej-bolster
all about yoga

Bolster Yoga – 4 playful asanas

Yoga unites movement and stillness. As there is quietude and excitement within yourself, you’ll find both in your yoga practice, too. In our blog post about yin yoga asanas on the h...
Yogahilfsmittel von hejhej
all about yoga

Yin yoga poses with your hejhej-bolster

Yin Yoga poses stretch your muscles and fasciae deeply and calm your mind. Especially when practising calmly, the equipment can be a great help in your asanas for you to let go and stretch passive...
Spelze fallen aus dem hejhej-Bolster raus
ecological sustainability

The sustainable yoga bolster

Right now, in a time of turbulence, confusion, global pain and frost in the morning, you may be striving for a yoga class that grounds you. Which offers you support to manage your everyday life fu...
Yogamatte in hellerer Farbe steht zusammengerollt auf dem Boden, ein Yoga strap liegt daneben
entrepreneurial journey

hejhej-mats experience – that’s how the hejhej experience really is

Maybe you’re just at the beginning of your yoga practice or your old yoga mat is coming to an end. We know that the search for a sustainable yoga mat can be very tiring and long. Our hejhej-mat wa...