Gründerin Anna besucht kleine Kinder in Südafrika - unsere umweltfreundliche Yogamatte ermöglicht den Kindern an Yoga teilzunehmen
ecological sustainability

More than an eco-friendly yoga mat

We started hejhej-mats because we were disappointed with the current range of yoga mats on the market. We had not found a mat that could meet our sustainability expectations. So we started hejhej...
Warum wir keine Naturkautschuk Yogamatten herstellen
circular economy

Natural rubber yoga mats – we decided not to create them

The planet already has enough valuable resources in abundance. There is no need to use new natural materials like natural rubber to make new products like yoga mats. Natural rubber yoga mats are no...
Es gibt 17 verschiedene UN Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung
circular economy

Sustainable development goals – hejhejs contribution

hejhej-mats contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Read more about this goal and how hejhej-mats contributes to achieving it.
Grafik, die den geschlossenen Produktkreislauf einer closed-loop Yogamatte beschreibt
circular economy

A closed-loop yoga mat – it’s time for a sustainable yoga mat

Did you know that most yoga mats cannot be recycled and are not biodegradable? This means that they stay on the planet forever. In order to achieve a sustainable planet and allow future generations...