zwei Yogis wirken reflektierend - genau wie unser Wirkungsbericht, der hejhej-mats Einfluss zeigt
ecological sustainability

hejhej’s impact report No. 1: how much waste did we save? how many children did we support in South Africa? and how many trees did we plant?

A sustainability report is not only for big companies but also for small companies to transparently report about its sustainability actions. Yet, we mostly know impact reports from big corporation...
Sehr bunte recycelte Yogablöcke.
ecological sustainability

A yoga block made out of flip-flops

This yoga block looks like a little piece of art, don’t you think? It actually is a piece of art – it is a handmade yoga block out of flip-flops – flip-flops collected on the coasts of Kenya. We o...
Yoga für Hörgeschädigte - Inklusion in der Yogawelt
all about yoga

Yoga for deaf people – Inclusion in the Yoga World

Have you ever been to a yoga class that actively included deaf people? A question you don’t ask yourself, if you’re hearing. But inclusion remains a topic that we would like to deal with further, ...
Yoga-Philosophie und Nachhaltigkeit sind auch neben der Matte gut vereinbar.
ecological sustainability

The yoga philosophy & sustainability – An interpretation of the Yamas

Let’s look at the yoga philosophy from a sustainability perspective. Beginning this article we need to add a little side note about what we refer to as the yoga philosophy – because the yoga philo...
Artikel über Nachhaltigkeit in Yogamatten Tests
all about yoga

The first yoga mat test with sustainability criteria

Yoga mats – hardly any other piece of sports equipment needs to fulfill so many demands and that is why you can find a lot of yoga mat tests and reviews on the world wide web. The hejhej-mat&...
Die nachhaltige Produktion von Yogamatten von hejhej
circular economy

How does a sustainable production of a yoga mat work? A check list with 5 criteria

Nowadays, quite a lot of companies claim to be sustainable. For example, one of the largest fast-fashion companies in the world recently promoted its sustainable products. So sadly, we can’t just ...
Welt-Down-Syndrom-Tag: Marina hat ein Chromosom mehr als wir
social sustainability

Happy World Down Syndrome Day to all of you!

Today is the 21st of March and it’s World Down Syndrome Day. Today should be about thinking about each other, acting for the community and the individuals. World Down Syndrome Day now exists for 1...
Frau präsentiert dir die hejhej-bag in chalk
all about yoga

A sustainable yoga mat bag – the hejhej-bag

Sustainability is simply unavoidable. The circular economy is the most responsible way to consume. For this reason, we have developed our sustainable yoga mat bag within the framework of the circul...
Spaß und Teamwork sind Teil der ethischen Herstellung einer Yogamatte
all about yoga

The ethical production of a yoga mat

The story of a hejhej-mat - the ethical production of yoga mats. We want to communicate transparently how our hejhej-mats are made and share insights into the production process with you. We have m...
Nachhaltigkeits-Bewegung: Wer macht meine Yogamatte?
entrepreneurial journey

Who made my yoga mat? – we did that!

Have you ever asked yourself the question: Who makes my yoga mat? Our goal when we founded hejhej-mats was to develop a fully sustainable yoga mat. For us, fully sustainable means doing justice to ...
Buy one, give one als erstes soziales hejhej Special für mehr soziale Nachhaltigkeit
social sustainability

Social sustainability: you buy a yoga mat, we donate one

Why do we donate a mat to initiatives for people with disabilities for every yoga mat sold? Why is social sustainability so important to us? What do the workshops for people with disabilities do to...
Eine Yogamatte spenden - Obdachlosenheime als sinnvolle Möglichkeit
all about yoga

Donate yoga mats – why we donate to the homeless

Why donate yoga mats to homeless people? Who urgently needs a mat? Blankets and mats for sleeping are a great help for homeless people, which is why we have decided to donate our product developmen...
zwei friedliche Yoginis zeigen warum du keine günstige Yogamatte kaufen solltest
ecological sustainability

A cheap yoga mat – what is the true cost?

So if you choose a really cheap yoga mat, you're not paying the real price for it, someone else is. For us, this doesn't fit in with the basic idea of yoga. It simply says "to do good".
Eine hejhej-mat als nachhaltiges Valentinstag Geschenk
ecological sustainability

Ideen für ein nachhaltiges Valentinstag Geschenk

There are many commercial holidays such as Valentine's Day. Especially on days like these, it is important to consume consciously and show society that sustainability is our future. We'll show you ...
du kannst zwei Farben der hejhej-mats Yogamatte kaufen
ecological sustainability

Buy a yoga mat for 129€, is this a lot of money? Let’s compare it to your last buying decision

129€ is a lot of money. But is it really a lot of money for a completely sustainable, high-quality yoga mat produced in Germany? We would like to encourage you to question your consumption decision...
Yogaequipment als nachhaltiges Weihnachtsgeschenk
ecological sustainability

Sustainable Christmas Presents – Ideas for a Sustainable Christmas

6 tips on how you can make this Christmas more sustainable. We all want to try to consume consciously and sustainably - even during the Christmas season. Sustainable Christmas gifts are a great and...
zwei junge Frauen beim Yoga - friedvolles Yoga als Teil von sozialem Yoga
mindful life

Social yoga can offer support along a therapy

Yoga has beneficial properties for general wellbeing. Did you know that social yoga can be helpful for people with mental illness? Yoga für alle e.V. is a great NGO that makes yoga available to peo...
das soziale Start-up hejhej kooperiert mit einer Werkstatt für Menschen mit Handicap
social sustainability

Social start-up – our cooperation with a workplaces for people with disabilities

hejhej-mats is not only about developing a yoga mat, but also about becoming an eco-friendly and social start-up. We wanted to work with a social organization to sew the logos on our sustainable yo...
hejhej-mats zeigt wie man eine recycelte und gute Yogamatte in Deutschland produzieren kann
ecological sustainability

A good yoga mat in Germany – what does that mean

People consume and usually do not even realize that there is a complete overconsumption. hejhej-mats does not run its business to drive consumption even further, but only wants to offer a sustainab...
Glasflaschen als Ersatz für Plastik als Idee für einen nachhaltigen Lebensstil
ecological sustainability

A sustainable lifestyle – you could start from here

The amount of plastic waste on our planet is higher than ever before. We should all start living a more sustainable lifestyle. We want to show you that some things are so simple and yet so meaningful.
Wir brauchen mehr starke Frauen im Unternehmertum
entrepreneurial journey

Women in entrepreneurship – experiences and hopes

Unfortunately, we ourselves had to realize that women are clearly outnumbered in entrepreneurship. There are numerous difficulties and challenges that men do not face.