Umkehrhaltung auf dem Yoga Bolster
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Yoga during pregnancy

Sabine Gallei is a yoga teacher, knitwear designer/stylist, mother of three young sons and founder of YES YOU ARE ( Sabine teaches open yoga classes, private classes, business yoga,...
Balanceübung auf dem hejhej Yogablock
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Yoga block exercises with the sustainable hejhej-block

The yoga block is probably the most widespread tool in the yoga world. At the beginning of your yoga journey, the block can support you to be well aligned in certain exercises and help you to slow...
Marta umarmt sich selbst um den Stress loszulassen
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How To Relax Your Shoulders – Shoulder Yoga

In this wonderful guest article, Marta Witecka, yoga teacher, describes how you can finally do something good for your neck and shoulders. Be sure to read the article to the end, because there are...
Online Yoga mit hejhej-mats
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What we love about Online yoga and MovingRoom

Sometimes, there is this one yoga lesson, that we’ll never forget. Maybe because the yoga teacher spoke harmoniously, the room smelled particularly lovely, the music really signed you out, or...
Eine Frau liegt lachend mit dem Rücken auf dem hejhej-bolster
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Bolster Yoga – 4 playful asanas

Yoga unites movement and stillness. As there is quietude and excitement within yourself, you’ll find both in your yoga practice, too. In our blog post about yin yoga asanas on the h...
Trauma-sensitive Yoga teacher on her hejhej-mat. Her nameis Loredana Di Filippo.
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What is trauma sensitive yoga? About trauma, yoga, and the autonomic nervous system

This guest article was written by a specially trained trauma sensitive yoga teacher. Loredana Di Filippo offers (trauma)sensitive 1:1 sessions and workshops and works with traumatized people. Her ...
Warum Yoga in deiner Periode schön ist
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Move with your menstrual cycle

Meditation and yoga during your period can support your cycle and connect you more intensely with your body. We talked to various experts about tips and tricks for your period and shared valuable ...
Yogahilfsmittel von hejhej
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Yin yoga poses with your hejhej-bolster

Yin Yoga poses stretch your muscles and fasciae deeply and calm your mind. Especially when practising calmly, the equipment can be a great help in your asanas for you to let go and stretch passive...
sitting in the nature calms you down
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Silence Retreat – experience of a Vipassana meditation

In the last weeks and months, we have been spending a lot of time on meditation. Especially because we spent a lot of time on the product development of the newly launched hejhej-bolster. It ...
rather light hejhej-mat
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Resilience through yoga: the strength you are building within

Helping yourself, easier said than done. So, how does it actually work? Often, we’re hoping for someone else to fix things. People like friends, family, our partner or of course, our pet. Most of ...
Yoga für Hörgeschädigte - Inklusion in der Yogawelt
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Yoga for deaf people – Inclusion in the Yoga World

Have you ever been to a yoga class that actively included deaf people? A question you don’t ask yourself, if you’re hearing. But inclusion remains a topic that we would like to deal with further, ...
Frau macht eine Yoga Asana in der Bewegungsgarage
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Yoga and nutrition: How you can support your yoga practice with your nutrition

The Yoga practice is all about the full breath and the physical strength should be able to be used up to your personal limits. Therefore it is very important that your body can concentrate on the ...
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Yoga strap made of hemp

A yoga strap can be very helpful for your yoga practice. Not only beginners but also experienced yogis can dive deeper into the practice with the strap. For us, it often depends on the day how we ...
Kräuter zeigen dir die Verbindung zum Yoga und Ayurveda Artikel von hejhej-mats
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5 Tips from the Ayurveda philosophy that support your yoga practice

What do Yoga and Ayurveda have in common? Both are Vedic traditions. The vedic religion is the oldest religion of India that can be found in written documents. In India, Ayurveda and Yoga have bee...
Artikel über Nachhaltigkeit in Yogamatten Tests
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The first yoga mat test with sustainability criteria

Yoga mats – hardly any other piece of sports equipment needs to fulfill so many demands and that is why you can find a lot of yoga mat tests and reviews on the world wide web. The hejhej-mat&...
Yoga für zuhause - Yoga in der Küche kann auch toll sein
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Yoga at home – a guide for a strengthening practice

We rush through our everyday life – both corporate and private. It’s full of appointments and we sometimes just forget to take some time in between for ourselves. Then there are suddenly times, w...
Die Chakren - Yoga ist mehr als nur körperliche Übungen
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The Chakras – Yoga is more than just physical exercises

Chakras are another component of the ancient Indian knowledge of yoga. The word chakra can be translated from Sanskrit as wheel or disk. Chakras are the centers of consciousness and life energy in ...
Frau präsentiert dir die hejhej-bag in chalk
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A sustainable yoga mat bag – the hejhej-bag

Sustainability is simply unavoidable. The circular economy is the most responsible way to consume. For this reason, we have developed our sustainable yoga mat bag within the framework of the circul...
Spaß und Teamwork sind Teil der ethischen Herstellung einer Yogamatte
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The ethical production of a yoga mat

The story of a hejhej-mat - the ethical production of yoga mats. We want to communicate transparently how our hejhej-mats are made and share insights into the production process with you. We have m...
Eine Yogamatte spenden - Obdachlosenheime als sinnvolle Möglichkeit
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Donate yoga mats – why we donate to the homeless

Why donate yoga mats to homeless people? Who urgently needs a mat? Blankets and mats for sleeping are a great help for homeless people, which is why we have decided to donate our product developmen...
Yoga hat eine große Vielfalt von Positionen
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The variety of yoga

Yoga not only offers a variety of yoga styles, but also different yoga poses. There are also many different places where you can practise yoga. Nowadays, people rush through their lives without res...