Eine Frau schaut mit Zuversicht in die Zukunft - Wirkungsbericht von hejhej 2023
circular economy

Impact Report Nr. 4 - your impact 2023

For the past year 2023, we have once again summarised all our impact for you as transparently as possible. The impact on this world that we make together WITH YOU. Our hejhej-community is a very la...
Die Suffizienzstrategie bei hejhej
circular economy

The sufficiency strategy – what does it mean?

Back to Nature Yoga Retreat auf den Lofoten 2023
ecological sustainability

Back to Nature Yoga Retreat in Lofoten 2023

We came back last week from our first ever hejhej-retreat . The Back To Nature yoga retreat in Lofoten was a co-creation together with TREVAREFABRIKKEN. We look back to some true magical days...
Zelte um einen Feuerplatz herum
entrepreneurial journey

Workation on the camping site – working in a remote team

Independence. Be free. For us, being able to work from anywhere is definitely one of the most beautiful ideas to shape our working day. We from the hejhej-team use this freedom and are always on t...
hejhej-mat in eher hell und dunkle stehen nebeneinander
circular economy

Buy One, Donate One Vol. 3 – Social sustainability at hejhej through mat donations for good causes

Our third buy one donate one starts today. Three great projects in Germany are now waiting for our hejhej-mat mat donation. During the next days, we are going to donate 25 hejhej-mats. H...
Ein Halbmond lässt dich über das letzte Jahr nachdenken
circular economy

Impact Report No. 3 – Joyful but tough year 2022

Writing the impact report for the year 2022 is particularly difficult for us. The current time holds many challenges and yet many joyful things have happened again at hejhej. In the following, we ...
Ein Artikel gewidmet an Regina
entrepreneurial journey

Journal Article dedicated to Regina and to all other people with a chemo look

We want to dedicate this feed post to Regina, a young and beautiful women we were allowed to meet a few weeks ago. We met Regina through our wonderful photographer Maria Bayer. When scrolling...
Notes from the team - Inspiration und feel-good Rituale
entrepreneurial journey

Notes from the team – Inspiration and feel-good rituals

Hej! We are the women and voices behind hejhej. Notes from the team are an intimate glimpse into our hearts and minds. Meet us – The people who founded and are building the first circula...
Recycling Aufruf hejhej-mats
circular economy

Recycling Round No. 1

Recycle your hejhej-mat – 1st recycling round after approx. 4 years Most of the existing yoga mats are not recyclable, so basically, all of them will end up as waste. That’s just crazy! The good n...
Ein Beitrag wo wir dir erzählen, dass die hejhej-mat kopiert wurde
entrepreneurial journey

how it feels to get copied

It’s time to open up. Why we were quiet at first. A chat these last days brought this all up again. We never spoke about it publicly. In the last few days, we reflect on why we never did it. We we...
ein ehrlicher Beitrag über die aktuelle Situation bei hejhej
entrepreneurial journey

too small to compete

We feel frustrated and too small to compete. We have been at this point so many times before. We have always been so frustrated but then decided to swallow it down and just continue. But in the la...
Warum wir nicht mehr ein Baum pro Produkt pflanzen
ecological sustainability

One tree per product – Why we are critical regarding this claim

You are probably familiar with the advertising slogan “A tree is planted for every product” from numerous companies. Here we explain why we are critical of this claim and donate to a local foundat...
Der Wirkungsbericht von hejhej aus dem Jahr 2021
circular economy

hejhej’s Impact Report No. 2 – Ecological and Social Impact 2021

Promoting sustainability and creating impact is particularly close to our hearts at hejhej. All areas of the company are geared towards this. On our website, we have added the tab “sustainability”...
Mitarbeiter des hejhej Teams in einer Werkstatt für Menschen mit Behinderung beschriftet den Yogamatten Karton
entrepreneurial journey

A statement on workplaces for people with disabilities

********UPDATE from 26.11.21********We wrote our first statement on our cooperation with workplaces for people with disabilities on the 15th of March 2021. Recently there has been increased critic...
1 Yogamatte kaufen und damit 1 Yogamatte spenden
entrepreneurial journey

Buy a sustainable yoga mat online – donate a yoga mat to ONE TEAM – Buy one, donate one Vol. 2

Social sustainability is an important part of hejhej for us. With every hejhej-mat sold, we donate to the Earth Child Project in Cape Town. We want to continuously increase our impact on...
hejhej-mat eher helle
circular economy

What the biggest hurdle in a circular business has to do with a hejhej-mats discount code

For us, the circular economy holds the greatest sustainability potential in the consumer world. Producers and consumers are equally responsible for ensuring that the cycle is truly close...
zwei Yogis wirken reflektierend - genau wie unser Wirkungsbericht, der hejhej-mats Einfluss zeigt
ecological sustainability

hejhej’s impact report No. 1: how much waste did we save? how many children did we support in South Africa? and how many trees did we plant?

A sustainability report is not only for big companies but also for small companies to transparently report about its sustainability actions. Yet, we mostly know impact reports from big corporation...
Yogamatte in hellerer Farbe steht zusammengerollt auf dem Boden, ein Yoga strap liegt daneben
entrepreneurial journey

hejhej-mats experience – that’s how the hejhej experience really is

Maybe you’re just at the beginning of your yoga practice or your old yoga mat is coming to an end. We know that the search for a sustainable yoga mat can be very tiring and long. Our hejhej-mat wa...
Das Team WOMOM aus München. Zusammen schließen sie die Modelücke zwischen Frauen & schwangeren Frauen.
entrepreneurial journey

Being a mum and founder – 5 questions for WOMOM

We did not reach gender equality in professional life yet and women are also underrepresented as entrepreneurs. Being a mum and and a founder: more and more mothers see entrepreneurship as an oppor...
Der circular Monday zeigt Alternativen zur linearen Wirtschaft auf.
circular economy

What is Circular Monday all about?

We want to give you the strategies of the circular economy to enable you to make holistic decisions about the material things in your life. That's why Circular Monday is the Monday before Black Fri...
Crowdfunding hejhej-bag - warum wir wieder eine Kampagne starten
circular economy

Crowdfunding campaign hejhej-bag – why we do it again

The most important reason why we decided to launch another crowdfunding campaign is that we want you to decide whether our new product is really needed. We don't want to simply push an additional p...