die beiden Gründerinnen von hejhej

hej hej

We are Anna and Sophie, the two founders of hejhej-mats. We completed our Masters in Sustainability Management in Sweden and are both passionate yogis.

During an art exhibition in Gothenburg, we got inspired by an artwork by the Turkish artist Pinar Yoldas. She denounced yogis, because they often think they are acting very sustainably, but don't think down to their yoga mat. We felt caught and have been working on our sustainable yoga mat since that day.


Our vision is to reduce the amount of plastic waste on our planet and promote conscious consumption through our sustainable yoga equipment. We are fascinated by raw materials that flow in endless cycles. Ultimately, we are motivated to make this planet a livable place for future generations.

ecodesign 2018

In 2018 our hejhej-mats were nominated for the Federal ecodesign award.

oatly logo

In 2019, we founders received the award as “Entrepreneur of the month” from the Swedish brand OATLY (read the interview ).

In 2024 we will finally have our patent in our hands - the composition and production process are protected!

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis Nominierung 2024

We have been nominated for the German Sustainability Prize next year!