Values are a very important thing for us in the company. Decisions, questions and also internal steps are decided by us according to the most important criterion of sustainability. Our remote team also works so well because we all have very similar values. Do you know your values?
hejhej partners
One of the most beautiful events in 2022 for us was the expansion of our hejhej partners. Last year, so many inspiring and wonderful hejhej partners joined us. We love meeting the people behind the concept stores, yoga studios, hotels or accommodations. We also particularly appreciate the variability of the partners, so that there really is something for everyone. Here you can find all the lists of hejhej partners. Whether to shop local, test hejhej products or enjoy a yoga holiday.
hejhej equipment for yoga retreats
Recently, the topic of yoga retreats has come up again. Inquiries for sustainable yoga retreats on hejhej-mats and at the same time many hotel enquiries, who now want to start with yoga reteats and buy a hejhej set of different products for this purpose. Our equipment range has grown so wide that hejhej has everything to offer for a sustainable yoga retreat. Whether it’s more active styles like vinyasa or hatha yoga, or meditation and mindfulness retreats – all can be equipped with hejhej equipment. Have you just thought of a hotel that is not yet on this list? We are always very happy to get feedback from you. That really helps us a lot.
Of course, not only hotels offer yoga retreats. Even our own retreat organisations, such as Kindclub, have already integrated hejhej products. You can see a possible goodie bag at a Kindclub retreat in the picture below. But also individual yoga teachers like Sabine from yes you are or Uta Eismann like to bring hejhej products into their retreats. Furthermore, yoga studios also offer retreats themselves. The following hejhej-partner studios currently offer their own retreats: Sweet Spot, Holy Wow Yoga & Art & This is Holy. As these yoga retreats are usually not held in your own studio, the yoga is not always on the hejhej-mats. Nevertheless, we recommend these studios because we stand behind their philosophy.
Sustainable Yoga Retreats on hejhej-mats
As we now have a wonderfully curated selection of hotels offering yoga retreats on hejhej-mats or with other hejhej products, we have compiled a list of these for you. The hotels have been carefully selected according to our values.
Trevarefabrikken in the Lofoten Islands in Norway
Here you can try rather dark hejhej-mats and hejhej-blocks.
Hotel Post Bezau in the Bregenzerwald in Austria
Here you can try rather dark hejhej-mats.
d'Kammer in Germany
Here you can try the rather light hejhej-mats, hejhej-bolster, hejhej-bags and the hejhej-blocks.
The Betterheim in Germany
Here you can try the rather light and rather dark hejhej-mats, hejhej-straps, hejhej-bolsters, hejhej-blocks and the hejhej-eyepillows.
De ole School on the Baltic Sea in Germany
Here you can try out darker and lighter hejhej-mats.
Hotel Miramonte in Austria
Here you can try rather dark hejhej-mats and hejhej-bolsters.
Hotel Ameron in Germany
Here you can try rather dark hejhej-mats.
The Kronthaler in Tyrol in Austria
Here you can try rather dark hejhej-mats.
Silena, your soulful hotel in South Tyrol in Italy
Here you can try out dark hejhej-mats, hejhej-blocks, hejhej-straps, hejhej-bags, hejhej-eyepillows and hejhej-sprays.
The Rosso in the Allgäu in Germany
Here you can try out dark hejhej-mats, hejhej-bolsters, hejhej-blocks and hejhej-straps.
Villa Copenhagen in Denmark – Health Retreats
Here you can try out dark hejhej-mats.
The Daberer in Austria
Here you can try rather dark hejhej-mats.
The Hilla in Germany
Here you can try out rather light hejhej-mats.
The ahead Burghotel in Germany
Here you can try out hejhej-bolsters, hejhej-blocks and hejhej-straps.
Das schöne Leben Pop Up Hotel in the Black Forest in Germany
Here you can try rather dark hejhej-mats.
Haus am See at Lake Constance in Germany
Here you can try rather dark hejhej-mats.
Parco dei Sesi on a small island between Sicily and Africa
Here you can try out hejhej-bolsters, hejhej-blocks and hejhej-straps.
Partners and special conditions
Recently, the topic of yoga retreats has come up again. Not least because in 2023 we will co-host a very special retreat for the first time on the Lofoten Islands in Norway. Sign up for our newsletter and receive the news directly.
So many beautiful retreats have already taken place on the hejhej-mats or with other hejhej equipment. We have special partner conditions for studios, hotels and individual yoga teachers. Feel free to contact us directly and together we will see what suits you best. We are happy about every retreat that can take place on the sustainable closed-loop yoga products. You’ll revolutionise the yoga world with it!
In this picture, you see a retreat participant of Gina Capitoni on her Greece retreat with the hejhej-eyepillows.

Feel free to write to us if you have had a retreat on the hejhej-mats or with other hejhej products. We are very happy to hear your experiences!
Photo Credits first Photo @Parco dei Sesi