The most important reason why we decided to do crowdfunding for the hejhej-bag is that we want you to decide if this product is really needed. We do not want to simply push a new product on the market.
The classic approach to introducing a new product is linked to good marketing. With amazing marketing strategies companies create an artificial need for products within the society. Very clever and creative advertisements make you think: “Wow, I really need this unicorn-shaped floating ring!” Although you never would have thought about it before you first saw an influencer floating around on it.
Many new products are produced in very large amounts to keep the unit price low. These cheaply produced products then really get forced on the market, not only by advertisements but also by fake discounts. These discounts make you not only think you finally bought the product you always needed you also think you made a good deal with it! Really strange right? Although you never missed a product in your life you bought it.
Crowdfunding is a different approach
It, first of all, gives you the possibility to pre-order a product. That means in our case, the new hejhej-bag is fully developed. We have perfectly functioning and beautiful prototypes, all the suppliers are carefully sourced and ready to deliver their nutrients. The workplace for people with a handicap is ready to sew the first batch. However, we will only start producing the moment we know that you really need a new yoga mat bag.
Crowdfunding is also great to produce the right amount of products. A lot of companies produce a first really big batch and in the end it quite often happens that companies won’t sell all the products. Then the products are basically useless and end up as waste. With crowdfunding, we know how many bags are pre-ordered and with this amount we can start our first production. That is why we are gathering pre-orders for the hejhej-bag through the crowdfunding campaign.
Crowdfunding campaign hejhej-bag – we give you the option to purchase the most sustainable yoga mat bag

The new hejhej-bag stands and falls with the crowdfunding campaign. So if you decide that you don’t need a sustainable yoga mat bag in your life that is totally reasonable and nothing will happen. We won’t force another product for needless consumption on the market. If you are in need of a new yoga mat bag for your mat then we simply want to give you the option to buy the most sustainable yoga mat bag that does not exist so far.
We started with the development of the closed-loop hejhej-bag because many of you were asking for a way to transport your hejhej-mats. A lot of you mentioned that you can not really find a sustainable yoga mat bag. We felt that there is a need for a fully sustainable bag. You were also the ones deciding the color and other characteristics of the first bag. We see the integration of society into the product development as a really valuable tool to develop products that are really needed. So after you gave us the idea to develop a sustainable yoga mat bag, we are now taking it one step further with the crowdfunding campaign. It is the first test of our closed-loop yoga mat bag on the market. We are big fans of customer co-creation and crowdfunding is one great tool of incorporating society into product development.
Further benefits of crowdfunding
Other than that crowdfunding is really great to finance a new product ahead. The first production takes a lot of financial resources and without crowdfunding, it would not really be possible for our small two women-run start-up to launch the closed-loop hejhej-bag. We already did a crowdfunding campaign for the first closed-loop yoga mat. Now we put all our learnings into the second crowdfunding campaign of our yoga mat bag. So, now it’s on you, if you want to see the most sustainable yoga mat bag on the market you should support our upcoming crowdfunding campaign on startnext.